Ludwig, D., Gatti, F. and Milberg Muñiz, E., Reclaiming Epistemic Diversity: Between Community Struggles and Corporate Capture. Science for the People.
Ludwig, D., Barros, J.S.H., Bollettin, P., Costa, T.F.S., De La Rosa, G., Fonseca, J.O.; Jesus, TVM; Milberg Muñiz, E.; Poliseli, L., Ressiore, A., Renck, V., Santos, I.S., Silva, A.A., Stifelman, J., Turska, J.J. & El-Hani, C.N., Transdisciplinary methods in philosophy of science. In: Philosophy of science: a user’s guide. MIT Press.
Boersma, K., Bovenkerk, B. & Ludwig, D. (2024). No Such Thing as Containment? Gene Drives for Conservation and the (Im)possibility of an Island. Philosophy and Technology. 37, 75. >>
De La Rosa, G., Milberg Muñiz, E., El-Hani, C. N. and Ludwig, D. (2024). Navigating between Promises and Realities of Transdisciplinary Research for Environmental Conservation.>>
El-Hani, C. N., & Ludwig, D. (2024). Intercultural Education as Dialogue Between Knowledge Systems: Elements of a Theoretical Framework. Science & Education, 1-48. >>
Lopez, D.E.; Diaz Zepeda, A.; Juvera Avalos, J. & Gutierrez Franco, E.C. (Eds.). 2024. [Re] Imaginando STEAM desde la diversidad. Queretaro: Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro (UAQ). >>
Lopez, D.E. & Diaz Zepeda, A.(2024). A manera de introducción: el qué y porqué re-imaginar STEAM desde la diversidad. In: Lopez, D.E.; Diaz Zepeda, A.; Juvera Avalos, J. & Gutierrez Franco, E.C. (Eds.). [Re] Imaginando STEAM desde la diversidad, 24-31, UAQ. >>
Lopez, D.E. & Diaz Zepeda, A. (2024). Más allá del binario: Janis y Di en entrevista con V. In: Lopez, D.E.; Diaz Zepeda, A.; Juvera Avalos, J. & Gutierrez Franco, E.C. (Eds.). [Re] Imaginando STEAM desde la diversidad, 75, UAQ. >>
Ludwig, D., Banuoku, D. F., Boogaard, B., El-Hani, C., Guri, B. Y., Kramm, M., Renck, V.,Ressiore, A., Robles-Piñeros J & Turska, J. J. (2024). Southern Ontologies. Reorienting Agendas in Social Ontology. Journal of Social Ontology. >>
Ludwig, D. (2024). Philosophy without natural kinds: a reply to Reydon & Ereshefsky. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14, 37. >>
Milberg Muñiz, E., Ludwig, D., & El-Hani, C. N. (2024). Research as a Mangrove: Emancipatory Science and the Messy Reality of Transdisciplinarity. International Review of Qualitative Research, 19408447241260446. >>
Poliseli, L. (2024). Artes e experiências estéticas: um caleidoscópio metodológico para as ciências. In: Lopez, D.E.; Diaz Zepeda, A.; Juvera Avalos, J. & Gutierrez Franco, E.C. (Eds.). [Re] Imaginando STEAM desde la diversidad, 173-190, UAQ. >>
Poliseli, L. (2024). Artes y experiencias estéticas: un caleidoscopio metodológico para las ciencias. In: Lopez, D.E.; Diaz Zepeda, A.; Juvera Avalos, J. & Gutierrez Franco, E.C. (Eds.). [Re] Imaginando STEAM desde la diversidad, 191-209, UAQ. >>
Poliseli, L. (2024).Artes e experiências estéticas: um caleidoscópio metodológico para as ciências [Arts and aesthetic experiences: a methodological kaleidoscope for sciences. In: D.E. Lopez, J.J. Avalos, A.D. Zepeda, E.G. F. (eds.) Re-imagining STEM from a diversity perspective. UNAM.
Poliseli, L. (2024). Causality and interdisciplinarity in the philosophy of science in practice: the cases of ecology and environmental conservation. In: P. Illari and F. Russo (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Causality and Causal Methods. Routledge. >>
Poliseli, L. & Caniglia, G. (2024). Inter- and transdisciplinary reasoning for action: the case of an arts–sciences–humanities intervention on climate change. Sustainability Science 19, 949-965. >>
Ressiore C., A., Lima, C. L. S., & Turnhout, E. (2024). Care narratives: Babassu breakers and mother palm trees. Geoforum, 156, Article 104109. >>
Rickard, T., Ludwig, D., & Rajão, R. (2024). Going upstream: a pluri-ontological analysis and proposal for Brazilian participatory water governance. Ecosystems and People, 20(1). >>
Rickard, T. & Ludwig, D. (2024). Dam the river: Ontological exclusion in global and Brazilian Integrated Water Resources Management.
Environmental Science & Policy Volume 156, June 2024, 103755
Rodríguez, T. R.; Ressiore, A. C.; Coyotecatl-Contreras, J. M.; Morales, A. E.; González-Duarte, C.; Dicenta, M. (2024) Un/repairing Through More-than-human Care in Latin America: Conversatorio. Engagement the online journal of the Anthropology and Environment Society. >>
Wiersma, W., and D. E. Lopez (2024). 'Towards Transformative Soil Science: Who am I in relation to my research?' European Journal of Soil Science 75.4 (2024): e13544. >>
Boersma, K., Bovenkerk, B., & Ludwig, D. (2023). Gene Drives as Interventions into Nature: the Coproduction of Ontology and Morality in the Gene Drive Debate. NanoEthics, 17(1), 4. >>
Bollettin, P., El-Hani, C. N., & Ludwig, D. (2023). The Challenges of Symmetrical Dialogue: Reflections on Collaborative Research in Northeast Brazil. Ethnobiology Letters, 14(2), 47-55. >>
Boogaard, B., Guri, B. Y., Ludwig, D., & Banuoku, D. (2023). A reconsideration of African spirituality in agricultural development projects: Traditional ecological knowledge from Dagara elders in Koro, Ghana. In: Beauty in African Thought – Critique of the Western Idea of Development, Angela Roothaan, Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise Müller (Eds), Lexington Books. >>
Cummings, S., Boyes, B., Chavez-Tafur, J., Dewah, P., Dhewa, C., Harish, S., Ludwig, D. & Young, S. (2023). Uncomfortable truths in international development: approaches to the decolonization of knowledge in development practice. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 17(1/2), 1-9. >>
Durocher-Granger, L., Fiorito, S., Mudenda, S. K., Chiboola, M. M., Kansiime, M. K., Ludwig, D., & Leeuwis, C. (2023). Investigating the feasibility of developing a collective action for biological control of fall armyworm among smallholder farmers in rural communities of Zambia. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 4(1), 1-15. >>
Galison, P., Doboszewski, J., Elder, J., Martens, N. C., Ashtekar, A., Enander, J., Reyes-Galindo, L. & Wüthrich, A. (2023). The Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration: History, Philosophy, and Culture. Galaxies, 11(1), 32. >>
Gatti, F. (2023). El turismo y los Estudios Agrarios Críticos: un eslabón perdido. In: Cañada, E., dit Chirot, C.M., Murray, I. (eds.), El malestar en la turistificación. Pensamiento crítico para una transformación del turismo.Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
Kramm, M. (2023). Four epistemic reasons to consult religious traditions. Constellations. >>
Lopez, D. E., Bailey, A., Farnworth, C. R., Rietveld, A., & Gartaula, H. (2023). Designing for change through 'reflecting and doing': The CGIAR community of Practice on gender-transformative research Methodologies. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7. >>
Ludwig, D. (2023). From naturalness to materiality: reimagining philosophy of scientific classification. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 13(1), 8. >>
Ludwig, D.; El-Hani, C.N.; Gatti, F.; Kendig, K.; Kramm, M.; Neco, L.; Nieves-Delgado, A.; Poliseli, L.; Renck, V.; Ressiore, A.; Reyes-Galindo, L.; Rickard, T.L.; De La Rosa, G.; Turska, J.J.; Vergara-Silva, F. & Wilson, R.A. (2023). Transdisciplinary philosophy of science: meeting the challenges of indigenous expertise. Philosophy of Science, pp. 1-16. >>
van Maurik Matuk, F. A., Verschuuren, B., Morseletto, P., Krause, T., Ludwig, D., Cooke, S. J., Milberg, E., & dos Reis Carvalho, B. L. (2023). Advancing co-production for transformative change by synthesizing guidance from case studies on the sustainable management and governance of natural resources. Environmental Science & Policy, 149, 103574. >>
Nieves Delgado, A., Ludwig, D., & El-Hani, C. (2023). Pluralist Ethnobiology: Between Philosophical Reflection and Transdisciplinary Action. Journal of Ethnobiology, 43(3), 191-197. >>
Turska, J. J., & Ludwig, D. (2023). Back by popular demand, ontology: Productive tensions between anthropological and philosophical approaches to ontology. Synthese, 202(2), 39. >>
Renck, V.; Ludwig, D.; Santos, I.J.; Santos, V.C.; Conceição, F.A.; Araújo, N.A.; Santos, C.C.; Oliveira, V.J.; Boletim, P.; Reis-Filhos, J.A.; Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. (2023). Conhecimento pesqueiro e o defeso: preenchendo uma lacuna necessária [Fisher knowledge and ‘defeso’: filling a gap]. Ethnobiology & Conservation.
Renck, V., Ludwig, D.; Boletim, P., Reis-Filhos, J.A., Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. (2023). Taking fishers’ knowledge and its implications to fisheries policy seriously. Ecology & Society. 28(2):7.
Renck, V., Ludwig, D., Santos, I.J., Santos, V.C., Conceição, F.A., Araújo, N.A., Santos, C.C., Oliveira, V.J., Boletim, P., Reis-Filhos, J.A., Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. (2023). Conhecimento pesqueiro e o defeso: preenchendo uma lacuna necessária [Fisher knowledge and ‘defeso’: filling a gap]. Ethnobiology & Conservation.
Renck, V., Ludwig, D., Bollettin, P., Reis-Filho, J. A., Poliseli, L., & El-Hani, C. N. (2023). Taking fishers’ knowledge and its implications to fisheries policy seriously. Ecology and Society, 28(2). >>
Renck, V., Ludwig, D., de Jesus Santos, I., dos Santos, V. C., da Conceição, F. D. A., de Araújo, N. A.,Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C. (2023). Conhecimento Tradicional e Políticas Públicas: preenchendo uma lacuna necessária. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 12. >>
Renck, V.; Ludwig, D.; Boletim, P.; Reis-Filhos, J.A.; Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. (2023). Taking fishers’ knowledge and its implications to fisheries policy seriously. Ecology & Society. 28(2):7.
Pavert, M van de & Ressiore, A. C.(2023). Caring with the Non-Human: Reciprocity in Market Gardening. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(2), 163-176. >>
Aarts, J., Gerth, E., Ludwig, D., Maat, H., & Macnaghten, P. (2022). The Dutch see Red: (in) formal science advisory bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1-13. >>
Cummings, S. J., & Lopez, D. E. (2022). Interrogating 'entrepreneurship for development': a counter-narrative based on local stories of women in rural Ethiopia. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 15(1), 22-43. >>
Franco, M.V., Molnár, O., Dorninger, C., Laciny, A., Treven, M., Weger, J., Albuquerque, E.M., Gatti, R.C., Hernandez, A.V., Jakab, M., Marizzi, C., Menendez, L.P., Poliseli, L., Rodriguez, H. & Caniglia, G. (2022). Diversity regained: precautionary approaches to COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment. Science of the Total Environment, volume 825.
Gatti, F. (2022). Plant pathogens in emotional landscapes: Olive stakeholders and the Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in Apulia, Southern Italy. In: Wall, J. (ed.) The Cultural Value of Trees. London: Routledge.
Kramm, M. (2022). Ein Analyseraster für Traditionskonzeptionen. In: Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung, 76(1) (16 p.). >>
Lopez, D. E., Frelat, R., & Badstue, L. B. (2022). Towards gender-inclusive innovation: Assessing local conditions for agricultural targeting. In: Plos one, 17(3), e0263771. >>
López-Beltrán, C., Nieves Delgado, A., González-Santos, S. P., & García-Deister, V. (2022). The Heredity Matrix: Genetics and the Understanding of Mestizaje, Health, and Belonging in Mexico. In: Science as Culture, 1-25. >>
Peddi, B., Ludwig, D., & Dessein, J. (2022). Relating inclusive innovations to Indigenous and local knowledge: a conceptual framework. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-14. >>
Poliseli, L., Coutinho, J. G., Viana, B., Russo, F., & El-Hani, C. N. (2022). Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building. In: Biology & Philosophy, 37(4), 1-27. >>
Renck, V., Apgaua, D. M., Tng, D. Y., Bollettin, P., Ludwig, D., & El-Hani, C. N. (2022). Cultural consensus and intracultural diversity in ethnotaxonomy: lessons from a fishing community in Northeast Brazil. In: Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 18(1), 1-11. >>
Renck, V., Ludwig, D., Bollettin, P., & El-Hani, C. N. (2022). Exploring partial overlaps between knowledge systems in a Brazilian fishing community. In: Human Ecology, 1-17. >>
Reyes-Galindo L. (2022). Values and vendettas: Populist science governance in Mexico. Social Studies of Science. >>
Vijayan, D., Ludwig, D., Rybak, C., Kaechele, H., Hoffmann, H., Schönfeldt, H. C., ... & Löhr, K. (2022). Indigenous knowledge in food system transformations. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 213. >>
Albuquerque, U. P., Ludwig, D., Feitosa, I. S., de Moura, J. M. B., Gonçalves, P. H. S., da Silva, R. H., ... & Júnior, W. S. F. (2021). Integrating traditional ecological knowledge into academic research at local and global scales. Regional Environmental Change, 21(2), 1-11.
Duarte, T. R., & Reyes Galindo, L. (2021). Entrevistas en microsociología de la ciencia. Revista Mexicana de sociología, 83(1), 41-71.
El-Hani, C.N., Ludwig, D., Poliseli, L. (2021). Beyond the Divide Between Indigenous and Academic Knowledge: Causal and Mechanistic Explanations in a Brazilian Fishing Community. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science.
Guo, Y., & Ludwig, D. (2021). Philosophy of science in China. Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science.
Koskinen, I., & Ludwig, D. (2021). Philosophy or philosophies? Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science.
Kramm, M. (2021). The Role of Political Ontology for Indigenous Self-Determination. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
Kramm, M. (2021). Ein Analyseraster für Traditionskonzeptionen. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung.
Lopez, D. E., & Ludwig, D. (2021). A transdisciplinary perspective on gender mainstreaming in international development: the case of the CGIAR. In: The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation (pp. 48-62). Routledge.
Ludwig, D., Leeuwis, C., Boogaard, B. K., & Macnaghten, P. (2021). Making knowledge work differently: The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation. In: The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation (pp. 1-16). Routledge.
Ludwig, D., Garnier, M, Macnaghten, P., Pols, A. (2021). What's Wrong With Global Challenges? Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Ludwig, D., Boogaard, B. K., Macnaghten, P., & Leeuwis, C. (2021). The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation. Routledge.
Ludwig, D., & Boogaard, B. K. (2021). Making transdisciplinarity work. The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation, 19.
Ludwig, D., & Ruphy, S. (2021). Scientific Pluralism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Ludwig, D. (2021). Introduction: Reimagining epistemology and philosophy of science from a global perspective. In: Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science (pp. 1-12). Routledge.
Ludwig, D., Koskinen, I., Mncube, Z., Poliseli, L., & Reyes-Galindo, L. (Eds.). (2021). Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. Routledge.
Macnaghten, P., Shah, E., & Ludwig, D. (2021). Making dialogue work. The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation, 243.
Nieves Delgado, A. and Baedke, J. (2021). Does the human microbiome tell us something about race? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
Poliseli, L. & Leite, C. (2021). Developing transdisciplinary practices: an interplay between disagreement and trust. In: D. Ludwig; Koskinen, I; Mncube, Z; Poliseli, L. & Reyes-Galindo, L. Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. Routledge.
Poliseli, L. & Russo, F. (2021). Philosophy of science in practice and weak scientism together apart. In: M. Mizrahi. Scientism: for and against. Collective Studies in Knowledge and Society book series, Roman and Littlefield.
Poliseli, L. (Ed.) (2021) Série de investigações filosóficas: textos selecionados de filosofia da ciência, vol 2. Ed. UFPel.
Ressiore, A. (2021). What is more-than-human care? And what can it do? The Anthropocene and More-Than-Human. Blog World Writing Workshop Series. >>
Reyes-Galindo, L. (2021). Post-truth and science: Looking beyond the Global North. In: Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science (pp. 183-195). Routledge.
Schrot, O. G., Peduzzi, D., Ludwig, D., Riede, M., & Keller, L. (2021). Is it possible to build adolescents’ cognitive adaptive capacity through climate change education? Insights into a two-year long educational programme in North Tyrol (Austria) and South Tyrol (Italy). Climate Risk Management, 100327.
Shah, E., Ludwig, D., & Macnaghten, P. (2021). The complexity of the gene and the precision of CRISPR: What is the gene that is being edited?. Elem Sci Anth, 9(1), 00072.
Albuquerque, U. P., Ludwig, D., Feitosa, I. S., de Moura, J. M. B., de Medeiros, P. M., Gonçalves, P. H. S., ... & Júnior, W. S. F. (2020). Addressing Social-Ecological Systems across Temporal and Spatial Scales: a Conceptual Synthesis for Ethnobiology. Human Ecology, 1-15.
Baedke, J., Fábregas-Tejeda, A., & Nieves Delgado, A. (2020). The Holobiont Concept before Margulis. The Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution.
Kramm, M. (2020). When a River becomes a Person. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. >>
Kramm, M. & Robeyns, I. (2020). Limits to Wealth in the History of Western Philosophy. European Journal of Philosophy. >>
Ludwig, D., & El-Hani, C. N. (2020). Philosophy of ethnobiology: understanding knowledge integration and its limitations. Journal of Ethnobiology, 40 (1), 3-20.
Ludwig, D., & Macnaghten, P. (2020). Traditional ecological knowledge in innovation governance: a framework for responsible and just innovation. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 7 (1), 26-44.
Ludwig, D. (2020). Understanding Race: The Case for Political Constructionism in Public Discourse. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 50 (4), 492-504.
Ludwig, D. (2020). Review of Joshua Glasgow, Sally Haslanger, Chike Jeffers, and Quayshawn Spencer, What Is Race? Philosophy of Science.
Nieves Delgado, A. (2020). The Face of the Mexican: Race, Nation and Criminal Identification in Mexico. American Anthropologist.
Nieves Delgado, A. (2020). The Problematic Use of Race in Facial Reconstruction. Science as Culture.
Nieves Delgado, A. (2020). Facial recognition technologies and the new physiognomic era. Psychosozial.
Robles-Piñeros, J., Ludwig, D., Baptista, G. C. S., & Andrade, A. M. (2020). Intercultural science education as a trading zone between traditional and academic knowledge. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 101337.
Wittrock, C., Forsberg, E.-M., Pols, A., Macnaghten, P., Ludwig, D. (2020). Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Springer.
Poliseli, L. (2020). Resenha/Book Review: De Regt, H.W. Understanding scientific understanding. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Principia, v. 24, p. 239-245.
Poliseli, L. (2020). Uma breve introdução a filosofia da ciência em prática. Revista Perspectiva Filosófica, vol. 46, p. 222-241.
Poliseli, L. & El-Hani, C.N. (2020). Imagination in science. In: Luca Tateo (org.) Imagination in science: a theory of imaginning, knowing and understanding. Springer. Briefs in Psychology, pp.65-84.
Poliseli, L. (2020). The emergence of scientific understanding in ongoing ecological research practice. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Sónia M. Carvalho Ribeiro, Raoni Rajão, Felipe Nunes, Débora Assis, José Ambrósio Neto, Camilla Marcolino, Leticia Lima, Thomas Rickard, Caroline Salomão, Britaldo Soares Filho. A spatially explicit index for mapping Forest Restoration Vocation (FRV) at the landscape scale: Application in the Rio Doce basin, Brazil. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 744, 2020
Barbosa Júnior, Emerson Campos ; Silva, Fabio Luís Galvão da ; Meira, Verena Henschen; Morato, Karla; Gottschalk, Enée; Rosa, Gabriela De La ; Costa, Yuri. (2019). The influence of small human settlements on marine litter in the northeast coast of Brazil. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, v. 19, p. 177-189.